воскресенье, 7 июля 2013 г.

Wronged wife syndrome

Wronged wife syndrome                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        According to statistics in the United States each year two million women are victims of violence and abuse. Most often find themselves in the position of the victim's wife, immigrant, who, for obvious reasons, are dependent on their husbands. The most important thing that we are afraid of women - is losing the right to a Green Card. After all, according to the law, they think, to sign all petitions must husband a U.S. citizen. For this and are sustained insults and sometimes beatings. Meanwhile, the U.S. immigration law makes an exception for those who are bullied at home, threatening to suppress the moral and / or physically. About it - Comment known immigration lawyer Alexander Bibicheva.

- What is the point of view of the law is considered spousal abuse and how to prove it?

- Examples of illegal behavior spouse is sexual harassment, isolation from society, the prohibition of communication with friends or relatives, a complete financial control, threats of deportation, unizhanie human dignity, physical violence and other forms of psychological pressure. Citizenship and Immigration Services (IGS) shall take into consideration any reliable evidence to support the women and children who have experienced similar treatment. SIG pays special attention to the written testimony:

- Police, judges and other officials from law enforcement agencies;
- Medical staff;
- Teachers, school staff;
- Neighbors, friends and relatives;
- Clergy and
- Social workers.

Sometimes the affected spouse and their children can produce photos with traces of violence, torn clothing, slomannyx things. In short, everything that directly or indirectly proves the position of the victim.
Where to go if the situation in the family threatens the physical or mental health of his wife and her children?

 There is such a thing as a wronged wife syndrome. Its symptoms are well known: depression or over-excitement, low self-esteem, depressed, pessimistic, bruising or violence on the body. If a woman is in a similar condition, the cause of which is to abuse in the family, you can call the hotline at 1-800-799-7233. If the situation is threatening the family, it is best to contact the police. On the protection of the rights of the offended spouse is also a family court.

Many people mistakenly think that the rules of American law protect only the interests of the citizens of this country. This is not the case. The laws of the United States are also to protect the rights of supugov, regardless of their status, if they are victims of domestic violence. Apply for legal aid to an immigration lawyer, you can get detailed information on how foreign wife, with whom gesture accessed husbands U.S. citizens or people with green cards can be legalized in the United States, by submitting samopetitsiyu.

 Who can file a separate petition?

Take advantage of the privilege of filing an independent immigration petition for a green card can:

Spouses, abused, who are married to a citizen or lawful permanent resident of the United States. Husband, had not been ill-treated, may also file a petition if his / her child was ill-treated. Unmarried children under 21 years are included in the parent application.
Parents may file a separate petition if they are abused by their adult child (over 21 years), is a citizen of the United States. Children who are unmarried and under 21 years old, who had been abused parent - a citizen or permanent resident of the United States.

By what criteria to evaluate an application immigration, immigrant spouses?

According to the instructions of GIS, spouses serving independent petition must comply with the requirements of the following items:

- Is legally married to a citizen or resident of the United States, which is your abuser or be no more than two years in a divorce, the cause of which was the ill-treatment;
- Being abused or mistreated in the United States, except in cases where a spouse-American citizen performs professional duties on behalf of the government outside the country;
- Be of good moral character;
- Married to a family, not only pursuing immigration purposes.

I want to prevent another mistaken belief that the right to file samopetitsii are only women. Men Injured in a marriage can get a Green Card and legalized in the U.S. if their wives treat them rudely, cruel and humiliating their manhood.
If you have experienced domestic violence - do not wait, come to our office and you will always find protection in the face of skilled lawyers who can help you become legal in the U.S.

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