воскресенье, 7 июля 2013 г.

Do not be afraid to ask for help


  • Do not be afraid to ask for help
    The reason that prompted me to write an article on the topic, have become the treatment of women with a request to provide them with legal and human assistance as victims of moral and physical violence from their spouses.
    After the article was published, I realized that I touched that sensitive issue, which for various reasons in the Russian press is closed and not discussed in public. As a result, suffer the most are those to whom this assistance is most needed.
    The callers (not only women but also men) complained that they are constantly (some for decades) are exposed to violence. But not all of them were willing to take the necessary measures in order to solve their problems, while agreeing to tolerate violence strong enough. The reason usually lies in the unwillingness to break an established relationship with their spouse (oops) a tyrant, not always even aware that the situation is dangerous for their health and possibly life.
    Among responded to the article there were many who have asked for help from lawyers. But not always and not all were able to get expert information and psychological support, which is necessary for people who find themselves in the position of the victim. Some women, in their words, have experienced profound disappointment because it is not always a male lawyer was able to understand what they have experienced, being exposed to violence and humiliation.

    I want to talk about the two callers.

    The first name is Elena. She was 47 years old. She is a U.S. citizen. In his youth, living in Odessa, was in love with a young man named Boris. In 1979, Helen was in New York. Boris remained to live in Odessa. Family life of Elena in the United States has not developed. In 2008, while visiting Odessa Elena, and Boris met again and decided to sign it. A year later, Boris came to New York and received a temporary green card.

    Elena thought she finally found happiness, but their relationship began to deteriorate gradually. Within a few months, as Boris liked another woman. He stopped coming home. Elena decided to divorce. When she announced this to Boris, he offered her to come with him to a lawyer who tells you how best to make their divorce. Arriving at one of the many immigration Conte, on the door that read, "A lawyer," Elena explained that divorce, she certainly has the right, but will be required to accord it signed documents that contain Boris over the next 10 years.

    Elena felt pushed into a trap. She developed dipressii. Meanwhile, Boris insisted that he agreed to sign the divorce, but only after it receives from Elenin a permanent residence permit, as well as a certain amount of cash in the form of compensation for divorce. Feeling hopelessness of their situation, the state of Helena became every day more and worse, as long as it is not advised to contact me. Not relying on what Elena did come for a consultation.
    Having followed my advice, was first made order of protection, protect Elena from the physical presence of Boris beside her. This was followed immediately issued a divorce. Helena concern about the financial obligations to Boris, as one would expect were unfounded. Less than two weeks later, Helen's health after two years of endless emotions went to the amendment and if it were not for her decision to contact a lawyer for advice, this situation could get out of control and lead to unpredictable consequences.

    Another story is just the opposite Elenin. A young girl came to the U.S. on a visitor visa from Russia, married a U.S. citizen. At the time of her marriage visa had expired more than a year. After you apply for a permanent residency, she was refused on grounds of lack of status at the time of the marriage. After that, she was told that she must go back to Russia and from there to come to her husband legally in the status of his wife.
    The husband responded to this proposal without enthusiasm and did not want to go through this whole process again. In the newlyweds began frequent conflicts, one of which turned rude insults and physical abuse by her husband. She had to leave home and seek help from a doctor, the police and a lawyer. In Immigration Office I filed a petition with a request for this girl to the right of residence in the United States, according to the law of the victims of violence among women.
    Again and again I want to remind everyone who was a victim of physical or moral violence. Do not be afraid to ask for help. U.S. law is on your side. It does not matter which one you're status. Whether a citizen of a country or a guest. Every person has a legal right to be protected from all forms of violence and aggression as a private person and a public organization. Timely resolution of problems in the legal sense, often plays a decisive role.

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