воскресенье, 7 июля 2013 г.

.The law on domestic violence comes into force

                      The law on domestic violence comes into force                                                                  Governor Cuomo (CUOMO) has signed several pieces of legislation toughening laws of the State of New York in regard to domestic violence. The new law increases the category of offenders for offenses to felony (Felony). The bill protects victims of domestic violence from further damage by increasing demands for the release on bail for the perpetrators, previously implicated in similar crimes or who have access to firearms.

Governor Andrew M. Cuomo (Andrew M. Cuomo) Cuomo signed into law, an important package of legislation that will increase the effectiveness of the response of the criminal justice system against domestic violence, and at the same time provide enhanced protection of survivors so that they can more safely sever relations with their offenders. In addition, at the state level to create an expert group to study deaths (Fatality Review Team) to find new ways to prevent killings by intimate partners.

"To strengthen laws against domestic violence, New York leads the way in the protection of victims and prosecution of perpetrators at the same time demonstrating to all citizens that we will not tolerate violence against our families - said Governor Cuomo (Cuomo). - The new law classifies the offense as serious criminal offenses in relation to perpetrators who repeatedly harm their families, as well as provide the ability to stop these criminals. "

Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver (Sheldon Silver), said: "" These measures are an extremely important step towards ending the repeated abuse as a result of domestic violence. "Domestic violence is a problem of great magnitude and impact in the state of New York and in the country as a whole. By definition, the Minister of Health of the United States (US Surgeon General), domestic violence is a major source of health problems for American women, as well as overloading the court system of New York State and the courts of other states.

Senator Steve Saland (Steve Saland) said: "For the first time since 1994, when I fought for the introduction of mandatory arrest for perpetrators of domestic violence, so we made an important step forward in the protection of victims of violence by intimate partners and family members."

This new law, in particular, introduces a new type of crime severity class "E" category "of domestic violence committed in aggravating circumstances" for intruders repeatedly committing the crime, as well as helping victims escape the violence and return to a safe place. Although the State of New York has introduced a series of strong measures against domestic violence, domestic violence, many allow attackers repeatedly commit crimes low gravity, which entail a minor penalty, which allows them to continue to keep their victims in fear and hurt them.

Legislative decision on domestic violence committed under aggravating circumstances, shall enter into force 90 days, and in the case of small felony category of "aggravated harassment" and the provision of collateral - in 60 days.

The maximum penalty petty criminal offense of class "A" is one year imprisonment in a local prison, the maximum penalty for the offense severity class "E" - for up to four years in prison, served in the state prison. The bill authorizes judges in setting bail conditions to take into account the risks to better protect victims from further harm.

Under the new law, the courts for the first time will be required to take into account certain risk factors in the determination of liability in respect of the guarantee or bail conditions in respect of the defendants, who are accused in the act of violence against a member of the family or household face. Under the new law, the Office for the Prevention of Domestic Violence (Office for the Prevention of Domestic Violence) will establish a statewide "Expert Group for the Study of fatalities» (Fatality Review Team).

In addition to domestic violence by improving legislation, the State of New York will implement three new programs aimed at improving the safety of the victim and the officer, and bringing offenders to justice for their crimes: a specialized court for cases involving domestic violence, Law Center Rikers Island (Rikers Island Judicial Center) for parole of prisoners accused of domestic violence, a rapid response in situations with a high degree of risk, as well as free online training for police officers.

Court of New York in cases involving domestic violence, for parolees (NYC Domestic Violence Court for Parolees), A joint initiative of the Committee of New York State Supervision parole officials (New York State Board of Parole) and the Department of Corrections and public control (Department of Corrections and Community Supervision), - a specialized court will consider the case of the five boroughs of New York City, beginning in the fall of this year.

Two judges of the Administrative Affairs will consider cases on domestic violence and to ensure judicial review of the cases of violation of parole. In addition, specially trained experts on the movement of parolees will work together with the lawyers of the victim and other law enforcement agencies to ensure rapid contact with the victim after the incident, develop a plan to ensure the safety of victims (s) and coordinate the implementation of corrective action.                                                                                    

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